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App Review Offer

Text, Jan 1, 2023

Each application created by Application Provider (also known as Developer) in the LiveChat Developer Program has to go through a standard review process made by LiveChat crew before its publication on the Marketplace.

Currently, we offer two review packages, and it’s your choice which flow you want to go with.

Basic app review

This is a mandatory check of each application (public or private) that is made before the app can be published on the Marketplace.



Premium app review

This is an additional and optional paid service offered to the Application Providers.


  • Your app will be given a "Verified" quality badge so potential app users know that LiveChat experts have reviewed it to ensure its usability. 1
  • Your app will be given one of the top positions in the category it’s assigned to for 14 days. 1
  • Your app will be placed in one of the top positions on the New and Noteworthy page on the Marketplace and in the LiveChat Application for 14 days. 1
  • Your app will feature on the Staff Top Picks page both on the Marketplace and in the LiveChat Application. 1
  • Extra: Your app will be considered for a personalized promotion plan, which may include one or several promotional activities: 2

    • Featuring in the LiveChat newsletter sent to a 36k customer base.
    • Personalized email campaigns.
    • Marketplace campaigns.
    • Tailored Targeted messages.
    • Promotion on our social media.
    • Dedicated landing pages.

1 There is a maximum of 2 weeks waiting time for the benefits mentioned above to be introduced.

2 LiveChat reserves the right to decide which marketing actions will be included in promoting a specific application. The time for the execution of the promotion activities will be determined individually.


One-time payment of $149

The price includes unlimited minor corrections until the review concludes and the application is approved. It is sold as a Marketplace service.

Compare the two review processes

Initial check

DescriptionBasic app reviewPremium app review
Smoke testsVerifying if your application doesn’t crash the LiveChat Application.
Business valueVerifying if your application delivers the minimum functionality value for the user.
Terms & Conditions checkA basic check if the app doesn't use derogatory language.
Proprietary name checkIf the LiveChat/HelpDesk names are included in the app’s name, experts will check if the names are written correctly, and they will get back to you with feedback.
Marketplace listing content verificationOur experts will make sure if the app has a tutorial, icon, and at least one screenshot. Apps with any of the mentioned elements missing will be rejected.

Technical review

DescriptionBasic app reviewPremium app review
Additional smoke testsOur experts will conduct additional smoke tests checking if all the basic functionalities of the app work and they will get back to you with feedback.
Cross-Browser & Responsive testsOur experts will conduct tests on different devices, screen sizes, and web browsers and get back to you with feedback.
Functionality testsOur experts will conduct functionality tests and get back to you with feedback.
Usability testsOur experts will conduct usability tests and get back to you with feedback.

Design review

DescriptionBasic app reviewPremium app review
Design improvements proposalOur experts will advise on what to improve and how to improve it; however, they will not provide ready solutions.
Compatibility with the Design SystemIf applicable, a review to confirm if the app's components follow the Design System. The developer will be offered tips about the best colors and typography.
UX checkOur experts will check if the app’s design provides a good user experience and seamless interactions for the end-user and get back to you with feedback.

Copy review

DescriptionBasic app reviewPremium app review
Language checkShort and long descriptions, benefits, and key features will be checked in terms of the language - grammar or stylistic mistakes will be corrected.
Copy improvements proposalOur experts will advise on what to improve and how to improve it; however, they will not provide ready solutions.
Common mistakes checkOur experts will check for common mistakes connected with feature naming, section capitalization, and bullet points. In case any corrections are needed, improvements will be provided.


There are only a few important things worth considering as the Application Provider (so-called “Developer”).

We will approve your app and give it a “Verified” quality badge after making sure that your app meets the app review parameters and our requirements described in the Developer Terms. It means that the application is only verified from the usability perspective, and all other aspects related to your app, in particular: the security level of the transmitted data, privacy policy, and GDPR compliance of your app are not reviewed by us and are still your own responsibility. We also do not interfere with the code.

“Verified” quality is given for an unlimited period of time until we detect or receive any information affecting the credibility of your badged app, including:

  • Any inconsistency in your badged application, including but not limited to: data leak, weak support services offered by you, a misuse of activity (e.g., when an app asks for scopes to a customer's resources not necessary to running the app, or a low rating (below 3.0)).
  • You make major changes to the badged app that enforce re-verification.
  • Any change in the Developer Terms or terms of the app review offer that affect the badges app or the way we grant “Verified” quality badge to your app.
  • When our customers or 3rd parties raise objections regarding your badged app.
  • Or due to any other activity that violates any legal document which you are a party, or third party rights and freedoms, especially intellectual property rights.

Once we detect or receive information affecting the credibility of your app, we can review your app once again, and we are entitled to remove the “Verified” badge from your app in our Marketplace.

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